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Be Careful of Shinning Lights!

Be Careful of the Shinning Lights!

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14
Good Morning Dear Sister:
Where did the month of September go?!?! Today we will be concluding our month’s prayer theme, “Shifting into a New Season”. God in His all sufficient knowledge blessed me this morning in my alone time with Him, by sharing our last nugget as it relates to our theme. The nugget was “Be careful of the “shinning lights”.
As we are in position to reap a harvest of that which we have sown, it is to our advantage that we do not run to every light we see; for most women are drawn to lights. Whether it’s all of the beautiful flashing lights in Las Vegas or simply opening our blinds at home – we love light!
We love light because light lightens our lives; it gives us energy, refreshes us, and gives us a new focus. Light illuminates areas that were once dark, granting us the ability to see that which was once hidden. The mirror alone is no good if the bathroom light is not turned on. Simply put light drives out darkness and exposes us to The Truth! And because it is so powerful, the cunning deceiver masquerades himself as light.
Has he ever made something “appear” as if it was light and years later you are still dealing with the DARKNESS that it brought? Has he ever made something “appear” as if it was good and now you can still feel the sting of how bad it was? Well, Beautiful Sister, just as you know God has great things in store for you in this new season, Satan does too. And you can trust and believe he is going to come with a lot of counterfeits to detour you from the True Light.
It is of utmost importance, that you don’t miss your one-on-one time with God, so that you can be sensitive to His Light as we all Shift into this New Season!
We LOVE you so much and can see you living the purposeful life through Jesus Christ – You Are Enough!
Joins us on today’s Prayer Call at 12:15pm PST led by Marvina “Cooky” Levy of Albuquerque, NM as she closes out this life changing month of prayer!
605/475.4810 Access Code: 1048502#
Click HERE to submit your prayer request/praise reports.

Do yourself a favor and do not forget about Him!

Do yourself a favor and DO NOT FORGET about Him!
Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish. Isaiah 46: 9-10

As we shift into a new season we must remember who it was that brought us to this point. In our excitement and even in our fears we must not retreat back to our old ways. In this shift there are some things that we just cannot afford to do:
  1. We cannot manipulate people, situations, or ourselves.
  2. We cannot change our personality to fit in or be noticed.
  3. We cannot dummy down our gifts because of nay sayers.
  4. We cannot give in, cave in, or throw in the towel when it appears to be too big.
  5. We cannot idolize or worship anyone or anything.
This is the time to recall all the former things our Father has done! We have the blessed assurance that He alone is the all wise, all knowing, and all powerful God! There is absolutely no one like Him, before Him, or beside Him. It is our Father who makes known our ends before the beginning, so there is no need to read a horoscope, hang on to a rabbits foot, or keep a wish bone from the chicken; simply put we must TRUST IN GOD!

As we “Shift into our New Season”, let’s not “Shift without our Savior”!

Shifting into a New Season!

Blessed is the {woman} who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but {her} delight is in the {Word} of the Lord, and {she} meditates on his {Word} day and night. {She} is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in SEASON and whose leaf does not wither. WHATEVER SHE DOES PROSPERS! Psalm 1:1-3


Can you believe we are about to embark upon a new season in just a couple of weeks? Bye, bye Summer Sun and hello Autumn Apples! This past Monday I had the “privilege” to have some one-on-one time with the Lord (I must admit that I took this time for granted as a single woman – lol) and He led me to Psalm 1 for this month’s prayer calls.


Can I share with you some of my notes from my time with our Daddy?


  • This is not the season to stroll, stand, or sit with “silly sisters”!
We must be surrounded by wise women who are moving in the things of God. Who are not barking against leadership, but working the work in spite of their disagreements or not understanding. Pray that in this season God will either upgrade the faith of your current friends or send you some new ones – We’re Shifting into a New Season!


  • No time for “Parking Lot”, “Off the Record”, “Private” Meetings!

I laugh at some of the differences my sister Tanera and I have, but there is one trait that I desire of her’s and that is zero tolerance for non sense! As we move into this new season, it is so very crucial that we protect our ears, hearts and minds. We must be careful of even the words we speak to ourselves – We’re Shifting into a New Season!


  • What God is taking me through this season is going to take GIGANTIC faith!

We must surround ourselves with some Elizabeth’s. Women who are pregnant with purpose and have gone through the first trimester. When we are ready to throw in the towel because of mishaps, mistakes, and mischiefs, she tells us to not to go back to the boat of safety, but keep your eye on Jesus and walk on water – We’re Shifting into a New Season!


I’m excited for Fall as it is a time of harvest! The seeds the farmer sowed three years ago, three months ago are about to BLOOM and so are yours!

What would God look like if he were you?

What would God look like if he were you?

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Ephesians 5:1

In my prayer time the other day the statement, “What would God look like if He were you?” waved through my ears. After being a little taken back, I said, “He would be loving, willing to lend a helping hand, a giver, a worshipper” and so on. I thought to myself, “See, God would look great!” But before I could get that sentence out, I was hit with another question, “What would God sound like? “Um, he would sound positive…, I responded”. Another question followed, “But what about when your others are talking about your "extra.com" co-worker and you join in – how would I sound then?” Before I could respond another question came, “Where would I be going? Would I be a loving God or a selfish God? Would I be eager to help others or would I simply be known as a hinderer? HOW WOULD I LOOK IF YOU WERE ME?

In just a few seconds, I was compassionately convicted to change. I did not want to imitate Shyreka, Society or Sin, but I want to imitate God because I am His dear child. December is “Prime Season” for Christians to be witnesses in this dying world. Will you dare to answer the question, “What would God look like if He were you?” and allow the precious Holy Spirit to rebuild your witness?



Dear God, I want to be your hands, legs and feet here on earth. Transform my life into a live that gives as Christ gave, sees as Christ saw, and I love as Christ loved. I want to imitate Him. In Jesus’ name – Amen!


Join us today for prayer as it relates to “reBUILDING Our Witness” at 12:15pm PST led by Lynette Harris of Los Angeles, CA.

Dial in number: 605/475.4810 Access Code: 1048502#

Email prayer requests/praise reports to: prayerandpraise@waterwalkingwomen.org


Do you still have a praise?


Do you still have a praise?

in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18


The turkey is gone. Your family has returned to their homes. The Black Friday & Cyber Sales have ended and now it’s just YOU. Here’s a question, “Do you still have a praise?” Is your heart still full of thanksgiving for all the great things our Father has done for you and through you? Are you still praising Him because He alone is Sovereign; all-wise, all-knowing, and all-seeing? Is your lips still sharing His grace and mercy? Or have you started to see the glass half empty?


Well, your Sister Girls at Water Walking Women want to ignite your fire, so we can keep the praise and thankfulness going towards our Heavenly Father. Join us today at 12:15pm PST as we conclude this month’s prayer theme, “reBUILDING our Thankfulness" led by Minister Hazel Cherry of Washington, D.C.


605/475.4810 Code: 1048502#


Presidential Election 2012


Presidential Election 2012

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. Psalm 33:12


For the past several months we’ve seen and heard the political ads, the campaign speeches, and the verbal jabs between the two men vying for the highest office in the country; that of the President of the United States. Each party blames the other for the current condition of our country. We’ve heard the candidates promise what we can expect if we give them our trust and our vote. We’ve seen our neighbors lose their jobs, their homes, their families and their hope. We’ve seen major businesses and companies close their doors. We’ve seen banks fail and crime rise. While the news is filled with doom and gloom and there doesn’t seem to be a glimmer of hope for anything good, please don’t lose heart. WE are God’s chosen and elect people and He is our refuge and strength. What great assurance it is to know that no matter who sits in the White House (now or in the future), the Lord can and will keep His promises to us long after the polls close!


Whether you voted for our current administration or not, our President needs our prayers and it goes without saying that our country needs our prayer, too. These past four years have undoubtedly been challenging for President Obama and his family and I’m sure there were days when he wished he didn’t have the weight and worries of this country on his shoulders, but he does. Many today are concerned about the future of our country – and with good reason. I encourage you to put our country before the Lord in prayer. Look around you. Where else can you focus your prayers? Community: Rather than ignoring or trying to dodge the person asking you for a few coins, give him the coins and pray for him. It won’t break you. Home: If the health, stability and welfare of your family are important to you, put your family before the Lord in prayer. Church: Our pastors and their families pour into us week after week. Ask the Lord to strengthen your pastor for the journey. Work: Do you have a boss or coworker that makes you wanna holler, throw up both your hands? Pray for him or her. Don’t neglect to pray for yourself! Prayer not only changes things, it changes US and how we react when faced with adversity and challenges. Ask the Lord to help open your eyes to other needs around you.

Prayer moves the hand and the heart of God. We’re familiar with the popular saying, “God Bless America”…well, today I say, “America - Bless God, and He will bless us”.

Pray for the upcoming election and don’t forget to VOTE!


What did you just say?


What did you just say?

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:21


I was extremely blessed yesterday to dial in to our conference speaker, Gail Burks-Stansell’s “Noontime in the Word” conference call. Her brief but bountiful message was on the power our words carry. Gail shared that we blame a lot of things on the devil, but he has no authority or power over us. Scripture says, “Resist the devil and he will flee, but many of us can’t get past resisting because we are insisting!  


We insist on negative thinking; “I CAN’T do this job”, “My marriage IS failing “, “My children WON’T surrender to Christ, “I CAN’T qualify for a new car or home”, “I WON’T succeed in this new ministry role, “They DON’T like me”, “I’m NOT smart enough, “I’m OVERweight”, “I’m NOT pretty enough”, “I WON’T get married”, “I CAN’T find a job” and the list goes on.


If we are going to reBUILD ourselves, we must place God’s TRUTH on every lie that comes out of our mouth be it from Satan, Society or Self. The truth of the matter is you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. You are fearfully and marvelous made. You are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. Christ is your intercessor. You are empowered through the Holy Spirit. You are royalty. Your life was predestined. You are loved. You are needed. You are all that by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and you shall LIVE and not die. Sister, let’s remember the power of the tongue and speakwords of life and not death!

The Walking Wounded

The Walking Wounded
A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness. John 10:10

The familiar Scripture above plainly and succinctly spells out what the enemy's purpose is and tells us the Lord's promise to counteract and thwart the enemy's plans. The enemy comes to steal your joy, kill your vision, and destroy your plans. Unfortunately, we don't always recognize his works right away. Sometimes his plans are dressed up in negative self-talk and self-doubt. We know what the Lord has given us to do, but we trip ourselves up with our own thoughts: nobody will support this idea, this will never work, how on earth am I going to do that?, I'm not cut out for this. Like David, we have to encourage ourselves! 

We must continue in the work that the Lord has given our hands to do! You begin to believe in yourself again and just like that, the enemy slips in and uses someone close to you, to tear down what the Lord is doing with you and through you. Without even thinking about it, our first response sometimes is to fire back...with harsh words and/or with harsh actions. And if that doesn't stop them, we launch several more attacks until we feel that we've "won". Usually the attacks that we launch in retaliation are not physical. No, they're very subtle.

We retreat and stop supporting them, we stop speaking and we get others onboard with us to pull back and disassociate from them - our perceived enemy. Do you see what just happened? That sister or that brother was just hit with "friendly fire"...from you! We didn't see the real adversary responsible for all of the chaos. We simply saw the brother or sister who hurt us and we fought back -- and we hurt them.

The fallout is we become a body of walking wounded. We're all injured, but we've learned how to keep going. We have lots of walking wounded in our churches, in our homes and in our families. Nobody stops long enough to get treatment or to allow themselves to heal. No, they keep going. If you've ever tried to help an injured animal, you may have found out firsthand that they will bite you or hurt you when you try to tend to their wounds.

It’s sometimes the same way with us. Hurt people, hurt people. These walking wounded don't always realize that their actions or words are hurtful. They are simply protecting themselves from further hurt. You can't get close to them because they lash out or keep you at a distance (another way of protecting themselves). Don't take it personally. We have to recognize the real enemy working behind-the-scenes to keep us fighting and wounding one another.

I encourage you today to meet Jesus at the altar and leave your pain, your hurts, your disappointments and your sorrows there with Him. Cast your cares upon Him. Not only does he care for you, He can make you whole again.

Masquerade Ball

Masquerade Ball

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. John 8:36


I’ve written more than two dozen plays and skits and without fail, the Lord always infuses a profound message within each script. A few weeks ago it was laid on my heart to write a play titled, “Masquerade Ball”, and to tell the story of the many masks we Christians wear to keep our true identity from being revealed.


Let’s tell the truth and shame the devil today: we mask ourselves behind titles, fame, fortune, status, clothes, money, shoes, church work, organizations, auxiliaries, ministries and people. We see the beautifully masked person sitting in all the right circles, saying all the right things, attending all the right networking events, signed up and involved in all the right “stuff” and a casual glance at her says that “she has it all together”!


What we don’t see is when the mask is taken off and reveals brokenness, pain, shame, guilt, insecurity, hurt, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, inferiority, confusion and torment.  All of these are tools of the enemy, specially crafted to keep us bound. Don’t you know that a wound takes longer to heal if it’s covered up?


Our Scripture reference for today declares that because Jesus has set you free, you are TRULY free! You’re not a prisoner anymore! Drop your chains! You may be hesitant of “coming clean” because you’re worried that people are going to judge you when you let them see the real you, the one who has been hiding behind the beautiful mask all these years. The truth is, some are going to judge you anyway, so why not take off the mask and let the Lord heal you? He wants to heal you and so that you can live the abundant life. He wants to deliver you. He paid the price so that you can be free! Run and shout for joy! You’re no longer bound. YOU ARE FREE! You’re free to worship! You’re free to sing Zion praises! You’re free to lift up holy hands before our all wise God!


Friends! How Many Of Us Have Them?


Friends! How Many Of Us Have Them?

A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24).

My dad was in the military when I was a child, so we moved quite a bit. Because we constantly relocated, friendships have always been very important to me. Some of the special friendships that I formed in my younger years are still near and dear to me even to this day. Once we started our careers, started our families and began living life, my friends and I realized that we had to be intentional about staying connected with one another.


Naturally, as we've grown and matured, we've weathered many personal storms individually: family issues, health challenges, job losses, financial woes, death of elderly parents, etc., and although we may be separated by many miles, we rest assured knowing that we're praying for one another and encouraging one another. I often brag that I have some of the best friends in the world. These friends love me. Period. Even during the times when I forget or neglect to call and find out how an interview went, or how their mom's chemo treatment is going, or how they're adjusting to their child being away at college, they look beyond my shortcomings, forgive me and love me anyway. Instantly the Lord gently reminds me that my friends need to know that they can depend on me as much as I know that I can depend on them. I commit to do better and take time to nurture and cultivate these precious friendships.


I could brag all day about how great my friends are...but, there's ONE friend who actually loves me more than all of the others. His name is Jesus. On the days when I don't put my best foot forward, He loves me. When my patience is thin, my tolerance is low, my temper is short and my tongue is sharp, He loves me. When my first response is to panic instead of praying, He loves me. When I lose sight of what's important and start majoring in minor things, He loves me. I begin to realize that my friends are perfect reflections of what I see in God: love, patience & grace, I have to ask myself...do I measure up?


I've heard people say that they don't have friends, they simply have acquaintances. They don't know what they're missing. I believe all of my friends were handpicked by God, specifically for me. They challenge me to be a better person, they lovingly tell me to "get over it" when I'm making a mountain out of molehill, they remind me of my value when I don't see my own worth and they genuinely pray that God will give me the desires of my heart. I encourage you today to call that one friend that you know would love to hear your voice. She gives you your space because she knows you're busy. But don't text her, don't IM her and post on her Facebook wall, call her! It's a small sacrifice that just may make her day. Remember: to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

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