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Conference CD's are now available!

By Shyreka Sturdivant |  September 11, 2014

We are pleased to share that you are now able to order our Conference CD’s online, along with our “I Am Enough” T-Shirts and Signature Bags!

As Conference Speaker, Gabriela Orozco said, “We are still feeling the Conference “Aftershocks”. We received an email from one of our attendees; Sheila Darling sharing how she’s used the CD’s to bless women at one of her five planned CD “Listening Parties”.

Here’s a blurb of the email Sheila sent:

All five CD's made it to my home and I had my first of five special listening parties.  Before the CD's arrived, God instructed me to share each speaker's message with a group of women.  He was very specific in giving me the names of four special women and that it was for His purpose of ministering individually and empowerment to help others. 

Friday night, August 29th, three women of God sat in my home and listened to Shamilla Pennington.  Half way through Shamilla's message, I heard each woman begin to weep and then tears began to roll down my face as I thanked God for his presence and confirmation. God's daughters shared their "something happened" and we ministered and prayed together.  It was AMAZING!  The next listening party is set for September 12th.  Please keep us in your prayers as God continues to bless.
Thank you for being such a tremendous blessing in the lives of so many.

To place your order, please go to and at the top of the screen click on "'Post Conferences", scroll down to "Conference Items" and then click on the purple button to get started!

Should you share the CD's with us, please let us know - we love sharing best practices!
