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Post Conference

By Shyreka Sturdivant |  August 24, 2016

What a great gathering we had with God & Girlfriends during our I Am An Overcomer Women's Conference August 11 - 13! The Worship was personal, The Word was piercing and the encounter between Women was pure - this Conference was indeed appointed and anointed by God.

Many of you have asked about our Conference T-Shirts and praise God we sold out, but the demand is great, so we are going to place another order. So if you'd like a shirt, be sure to place your order by Friday, September 2. You can click HERE to order them. Also, we were able to record all of the English Sessions (be in prayer that next year we will be able to record both English and Spanish) and CDs are available for $10 or the entire CD Collection for $45. You can click HERE to order them.

Sisters, plans are underway for our next Conference, so mark your calendars now for August 10 - 12 and we'll see you then!

Overcomer, Overcome, and Overcoming...#Progressional,

Shyreka Sturdivant
Conference Founder
